How to Form the Habit of Wearing a Mouth Night Guard: Tips and Benefits to Get a Healthy Smile

How to Form the Habit of Wearing a Mouth Night Guard: Tips and Benefits to Get a Healthy Smile

Wearing a mouth night guard can benefit your overall dental health. It helps protect your teeth, gums, and jaws from grinding and clenching during the night, which can lead to dental damage and other problems. Wearing a mouth guard also helps ensure better sleep quality, preventing irritation and discomfort that might otherwise interrupt the user's restful slumber. Additionally, wearing a custom-fitted nightguard can help make forming this healthy habit easier and more comfortable than using an over-the-counter appliance. It is a thinner and softer material and provides an improved fit due to its customized design based on an impression of your teeth. Furthermore, forming this habit can be further incentivized by creating rewards for milestones such as wearing the nightguard for a week or two. Ultimately, this simple action will help you achieve better sleep and contribute to a healthier smile in the long run!

  1. What is a Nightguard?

A mouth night guard is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It is a device worn at night to protect teeth from grinding and clenching, which can damage the enamel of the teeth and lead to other dental problems. Wearing a mouth guard also helps ensure a more restful sleep, as it prevents irritation and discomfort

  1. Habit doesn't form overnight.

Forming the habit of wearing a mouth night guard may seem like an arduous task at first, but with the right tips and information, it can be easily achieved. For those new to using this device, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the duration. Doing so will help the user become comfortable with the device and make.


Breaking in a new mouth night guard can be a real pain. Wear it takes time and effort, and most people give up before they even start. But with the right tips and information, anyone can form the habit of wearing a mouth night guard and enjoy its many benefits.

  • Start slow and increase the duration gradually. This will help you become comfortable with the device and make it easier to stick to using it long-term.
  • Wear your mouth guard every night for the best results (including during naps).
  • Keep a positive attitude towards wearing your nightguard – think of all its great benefits!
  • Reward yourself for milestones, such as consecutively wearing your guard for a week or two.
  1. To Be Patient With Wearing A Mouth Night Guard

Forming the habit of wearing a mouth night guard can be difficult, especially for individuals who are just starting. It takes commitment and dedication to make this change in your daily routine. It is important to be patient with yourself as you begin this journey. It is often said that it takes 60 days to form a new habit.

  1. Consider Custom Nightguard

Custom-fitted night guards can provide many advantages over the typical over-the-counter option. A custom night guard is usually much thinner and made from a softer material, providing more comfort for the user. The thin construction of these devices allows for an improved fit, as it is based on an exact impression of the user's teeth. This makes the guard fit much more snugly and prevents any irritation or movement that could occur with an ill-fitting appliance. Additionally, custom night guards are often made from gentler materials that do not aggravate the skin or cause abrasions. With this in mind, custom night guards allow users to achieve optimal protection while still enjoying all-night comfort – something that cannot be achieved with an off-the-shelf product.

Furthermore, due to their personalized design, custom night guards provide superior durability and long-term use compared to their generic counterparts. They also allow for easy cleaning thanks to their removable design; rinse them off with warm water after each use! All these features combined make custom nightguards an excellent choice for anyone looking to protect their teeth without compromising quality or comfort.

  1. How to incorporate night guard habit

So if you wear your night guard while watching TV or reading in bed 20 minutes before going to sleep, you'll be more likely to wear it regularly.

Here are a few tips for making this work:

- Make sure you have a comfortable night guard that doesn't cause discomfort or pain. If it's bothersome to wear, you're less likely to continue using it regularly.

- Choose activities that don't require too much focus so you can quickly wear the night guard without interruption. Watching TV or reading are good options since they don't require too much attention.

- Try not to stress about wearing the night guard. If you make it feel like another chore, you'll be less likely to stick with it in the long run. Instead, think of it as a helpful tool that will protect your teeth from further damage.3. Incorporate a Bedtime Routine


Forming the habit of wearing a mouth night guard can be difficult and requires commitment, dedication, and patience. It is recommended to start slowly and increase the duration gradually while wearing it every night (including during naps). A positive attitude towards the device helps make it easier to stick with using it long-term. Additionally, rewarding yourself for milestones such as wearing your guard for consecutive weeks can assist in forming this healthy habit.


Custom-fitted night guards are an excellent option as they provide superior protection, comfort, durability, and easy cleaning compared to off-the-shelf products. Incorporating the nightguard into a bedtime routine is also beneficial since it makes the habit easier to stick with. To make this work, use activities like watching TV or reading that doesn't require too much focus so you can wear the device without interruption. Finally, try not to stress about wearing the guard – instead, think of it as a helpful tool that will help protect your teeth from further damage. With these tips and information in mind, anyone can wear a mouth night guard and enjoy its many benefits!

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